Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Folk Art or not?

So having had an interest in art since I was a wee boy, I find myself purchasing a wide variety of it. At least I define it as art. Some may think some of the pieces are more graphic than artistic. The one genre of art I find myself drawn to now more then ever before is American folk art. I do agree that there are some folk artists that have a truly rudimentary feel, almost child like. I guess if you consider the actual the rough definition of folk art is art produced by the common man to reflect their culture and surroundings. Regardless, the evolution that American folk art has had is beautiful. I personally wanted to bring one of my (and my wife's) new favorite artists to your attention. His name is Kent Ambler and his woodcut block prints and acrylic paintings are all great. If you are interested in checking out some different American Folk artists check out the American Folk Gallery. The "Birds is Like Chickens" was my personal purchase. While his block prints are simple they are very unique and graphic. His paintings are all focused around everyday objects (and animals). The off use of color and subject matter make his work very attractive.

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