Monday, August 4, 2008

The Beginning of the End

Well this is it - my first proverbial blog post. I've never been a huge fan of blogs in general, but I do love the aspect of blogs for informative and research purposes. So I find myself at a crossroad, what to focus on. I think I'll focus my efforts on good design and design resources since that's where my passion (and career) has led me. Like art, design is in a way in the eye of the beholder. The one thing that I think we can all agree on is that design is meant to grab attention and to be seen, but there is a certain aspect that is about problem solving for a certain audience. As you will be able to tell through my exploits on this blog - I'm the furthest thing from a writer. My grammar is not that great and my punctuation is even worse so take it all in stride.


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