Thursday, July 30, 2009

Don't Ts Me

So the other day I ran across this website for a random tshirt design generator. The name of the company is called Nonsek. They've created an online application that takes artwork provided by various designers and once you "enter the machine" you are able to randomly remix yourself a new tshirt design in a matter of seconds. It basically takes 3 images from a specific artist and randomly layers them on top of each other. They've broken it down by artists. Each artist has their own "channel" so you get to pick which artist you want. It's pretty cool.

The funny thing about this is the fact that it is completely random. This idea has almost become a formula for many graphic designers these days. 3-4 random images - some text and viola a pretty design. Don't get me wrong I love it for tshirts, but this also in a way proves what's wrong with a good portion of designers these days. What's wrong with America really. There is no effort to even try and create a concept. It's all just "me make things look pretty". Which is awesome - I think that's my next tshirt design (for myself anyway). But maybe all of us (you know who you are) could just try a little harder to make people think a little more. Or maybe I should ask all of my clients to keep their text to 140 characters so we can all become just a little less caring everyday.

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