Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What's Kraft Up To?

So on the heals of the Tropicana debacle I was shopping this last weekend and noticed another terrible mistake being made by a huge food manufacturer. This time it's Kraft. They recently had changed their corporate logo, which frankly I payed little attention to since it was really more of a corporate internal change at this point. You can see the trusty hexagon shape that's been around forever and the new flowery butterfly thing that they have now. I can't understand why they would move in this direction. It's not like there is any element of this new logo that can replace the current (before) Kraft logo that stills occupies all of their packaging.

Let me get back to what got me to this point. I was in the cheese section (this is where I spend a large amount of time in the store - cheese is awesome) looking for some shredded cheese and noticed this awful package (above). Kraft seems to think that it's now necessary to put pictures of big blocks of cheese on there shredded cheese packages. This is insane. Who needs to see what cheese looks like when "hello" it's right there in the see through package.

To me this packaging really starts to take on the look of a generic brand, too bad it's not priced that way. Honestly I can't say I really cared for the old blue Kraft Cheese packaging. I never purchased it - I was always drawn to the Sargento packaging. I guess if I'm going to pay $4 for cheese I don't want it to look generic. My personal fear is that all brands will start down this road. I would love to know what the thought is behind these changes. Maybe someday we will find out. What do you think?


McCrimmon said...

I agree with you. I hate this new packaging. I don't need to see a block of cheese when I can see the cheese already. By far however, Tropicana is the worst! It looks so cheap. Why ruin a good thing? If it isn't broken, then don't fix it. There is one repackaging that has been done well. Lays Baked chips have rebranded their packaging. It looks more organic and classier. Take a hint Tropicana, Kraft and Pepsi.

Anonymous said...

It's so funny that you said the new packaging looks like a generic brand because that's the first thing I thought of when I saw the picture. It reminded me of the Publix brand cheese (which I buy and is just as good, by the way!).