Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hey There! I am not using Twitter.

If any of you know me you know that I don't "tweet" and I don't have a Facebook page, heck I barely take my cell phone out of my pocket. Don't get me wrong I love technology and what it has done for the design industry. I just don't get inspired by these things. What inspires me is people that create using their hands and good old elbow grease. Sometimes I just wonder:

Really photos of the birth? We didn't want to see them before Facebook why would I change my mind now?

Oh yeah, who wants to see all 70 photos of your kid? I think 2-3 would suffice. Try making a decision.

Actually putting pictures of your children online is just a little strange to me.

Why do I need to get poked? Can you imagine if you went around poking your friends all day?

Do blind dates really exist anymore?

Do I really want people that I haven't talked to for 20 years finding me? You know there is probably a reason I haven't talked to them in 20 years.

140 words? How was that decision made? I have friends that couldn't tell you what they had for breakfast in that short of time.


Why would I tell everyone? Uh excuse me can I read all you communications between you and your friends and your wife and your mother and your accountant?

Do you really want to know what I just did?

How many people do you know are really so interesting that you want to hear their every thought?


What's up with texting? It makes my thumbs tired and personally if I really want to talk to you I'll call.

Can teenagers communicate face to face anymore?

POKE Man that's annoying.

$100+ a month? and you are complaining about the price of gas?

Is "third wheel" now defined as a date without a cell phone?

Why IM over email? Just curious. Personally I love the smell of thermal fax paper...

Really, in the movies? (That statement would of had a whole different meaning 20 years ago). You paid $9 to see a computer animated film and you spent half your time texting your "friends".

Hw wil Ppl sp n the fture?

Seriously though, I do wonder how people set their priorities. My big concern is down the road how will individuals be able to cope? I'm fine being alone. I don't need someone I really barely know validating my feelings or who I am. How will people communicate? Kids that are raised texting will have very little ability to socialize in a person to person environment. Heck maybe they won't need to. They will at the very least have a hard time structuring a written sentence. Progress and change - continue I say and sooner or later I might turn my cell phone on (if I remember to take it with me) and call you about how I have 712,000 followers. Notice I said call. I guess at this point I'm just not that into it.